The Sacro Monte of Varese illustrated by the OfficeNow business center 4/4

Here we are, we have almost completed the ascent to the Sacro Monte di Varese as described in previous articles. OfficeNow business center today will accompany you to visit the last chapels that end right inside the Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese.

The eleventh chapel, known as the Resurrection, finds a Christ hovering in mid-air and surrounded by eight other statues of the Silva (1622). The scene is enriched by frescoes by Isidoro Bianchi, including scenes of Paradise and the apparitions of Jesus.

OfficeNow business center, Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese, eleventh chapel

There the twelfth Chapel, called the Ascension Chapel, frames sixteen large ones statues, seventeen smaller angels and thirty-three high reliefs of cherubs, all made in 1632 by Francesco Silva. The building is decorated frontally with the statues of Saints Peter and Anthony.

OfficeNow business center, Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese, twelfth chapel

There thirteenth chapel, called the Descent of the Holy Spirit, represents the flame of the Holy Spirit who, accompanied by a white dove, she descends on the heads of the eleven Apostles and Mary. The statues are also by Silva and are in terracotta. The frescoes inside they are by Federico Bianchi.

OfficeNow business center, Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese, thirteenth chapel

There fourteenth chapel, called theAssumption of Mary, consists of thirteen statues by Silva. The Apostles are willing around the empty urn, while the Virgin Assumption into Heaven is found suspended in mid-air. We are not certain of the author of the latter, but, according to him scholars, it could be a work by Martino Retti. The fresco paintings were begun by Stefano Legnani in 1717 and finished by Pietro Gilardi.

OfficeNow business center, Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese, fourteenth chapel

Beyond the fourteenth chapel is the Fountain of Moses which optically concludes the climb to the Mount and which brings in the pilgrim in the village. This work dates back to 1800 and was erected according to the project by the architect Francesco Maria Argenti from Viggiรน. In the center the mighty statue of Moses, in marble, with a rod in his hand, in the act of making water flow from the cliff of Mount Horeb.

Sacro Monte di Varese, OfficeNow business center, Mose fountain

The last, the fifteenth chapel, called theCoronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is located in the Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese, where the statue of the Madonna was solemnly crowned on 5 July 1739. Inside, the Baptistery is the work of the sculptor Lodovico Pogliaghi (1894) and on the right, entering the Basilica, through a small door you reaches the chapel of the two Blesseds Caterina da Pallanza and Giuliana da Verghera (Busto Arsizio).

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Monte it was presumably founded between the eighth and ninth centuries AD. in shapes simple and linear; the original building in fact had a single nave, with an apse to the east.

Towards the end of 1100, given the multiplication of the faithful who frequented the Sanctuary, it was decided to provide for a significant expansion: the walls of the old church were mostly demolished and built on top a new building. The Romanesque renovation spared the apse that it is today known as the โ€œCryptโ€.

A new wave of renovations affected the building of the Sanctuary of the Sacro Monte of Varese starting from 1472, commissioned by the Duke of Milan Galeazzo Maria Sforza and designed by the architect Bartolomeo Gadio. The Romanesque apse was thus demolished to make room for three trefoil apses; construction of the Clausura monastery began on the wall north of the Sanctuary.

In the 1671 the Chapel of the Blesseds was built, frescoed by Busca and dedicated to house the bodies of the founding nuns and was also opened the side entrance is still used today. Last decorative changes, work by Ludovico Pogliaghi, were completed at the beginning of the 20th century.

And Here we are at the end of this long and interesting journey.

As you can see, the wonders of our territory are truly many and rich in detail. OfficeNow business center will try to introduce you to them all in order to recommend not only the convenience of an office within a business center, but also within a geographical area rich in work, leisure and cultural opportunities. See you next appointment!

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